Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The doers!

Today when we see events happen, the good and bad, we don't stop and look at what we have done. We don't even think anymore. The only people that care are one out of how many these days? Life can be frustrating, devastating, or amazing; the "ing's" in life! :) We see on the news the tragedy we have cost ourselves and what horrible people do when they are sick. we sit and think to ourselves, what if that was me? What if that was a member of my family? Then we go back to our regular lives with no thought. I say we should do something to help the ones in need, to help the struggling families out there who need help. We shouldn't just think about it, we should do it, take action, for the better of our nation. We should show the world that we aren't just thinkers, but doers. What should we do? Comment! What do you think we should do??

What my blog is about!

Hi! My blog is about whatever comes to mind in my head; whether it's disaster  or an image, just anything. I promise it will be interesting. I hope you like it! Every time I post I will put a quote at the bottom, and I hope it inspires you. Please comment and make suggestions in the boxes below. I hope you like my blog, and please take the time to read!